
The Bible And Archaeology - Harold Salem/Pastor -

Hello Readers/Bloggers Concerning the attached video: I have titled my address to you. Archaeology proves the inspired word of  God.   They have found  sites  written about in the Bible thousands of  years ago. Which verifies the truth of God's word. It's amazing how God guides the steps to the truths of his word.  As it says in the Bible. I Corinthians 13:12 What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face. What I know is only partial; then it will be complete as God's knowledge of me. Please view the attached video by pastor Harold Salem. He was a messenger from God, inspired by his voice the Holy Spirt. Your viewing will not be in vain!  

Is There a Hell? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon: - Video From -

Hello Readers I have attached a video by a well-known evangelist, Billy Graham. I saw him once at a live crusade. The sermon presented that day was so dynamic, hundredths of people came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Surely the Holy Spirt that day was speaking through Billy Graham. In the attached video Billy Graham says I don't like to preach on hell, but I am commanded in scripture to do so.  Readers please take a few minutes out of your busy day to view the video below. It will fill your day with God's blessings. 

Make Your Peace With God | Billy Graham Classic - Video From -

  Hello Readers I have attached a video containing a sermon from Billy Graham. He was well-known evangelist for fifty years. He met with presidents, and dignitaries all over the world. Hundreds of people came to know Jesus Christ at his crusades.  Please view this inspired video. It contains free information about God. So many things in the material world are not free of charge. They cost as they say (an arm and leg). I know you are saying my time is not free. I am so busy I can't spare another minute. Take a chance and view this video. It is inspired by God.