Different Faces Of The World. What Determines The Individual Success! True Success Is Not Always Crystal Clear To The World Inhabitants.


Hello, earths inhabitants! This page is for all the so-called unsuccessful or successful people viewing this page. I have found the only true path to success. In our society there are rules you must follow to be accepted. You must be beautiful, thin, wear the accepted cloths, and this is not the complete list. You must follow the Influencers in our social media and the most popular writers on the top book list. These requirements are very complicated because the world is like a very, very large juicy red apple with a big black worm in it, called sin.

True success is to believe in the Supreme God of all creation. Over two thousand years ago he sent his representative to earth, in the form of his only begotten son Jesus Christ. He was crucified and died and rose again to eternal life, as an unmerited gift to a sinful (anything bad) world. A gift you cannot earn, it is a gift from God. Belief in this promise is all that is required of you, and of course you must repent (admit you have sinned), believe that Jesus Christ is the only path to eternal life. Show God’s love to your neighbors, anyone you have contact with is your neighbor. When you say Love in our society, most people think romantic love. True love is patient, kind, unselfish, unjudgmental, and God directed. With continued faith in this promise you will be truly successful. You can count on the Living God, he is a faithful, loving, merciful, slow to anger.  When you accept God’s promise you receive his holy spirit (voice, comforter) within you. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s whisper instead of the world’s scream. Start with a belief in the Living God and true success will follow. Travel with God, and he will Bless you. God only wants to be your friend, and guide. He wants to give you eternal life, not death. What else would you want. Separation from God is real death or hell. That is not success.                                                                                              

See the faces attached to this page, they are examples of the earth's inhabitants. Old, scarred, young, what is called ugly, beautiful, and handsome. 

I am truly excited about this page. It is directed at the unsuccessful inhabitants of our earth society. The ones who think they are lacking what society considers successful. The thoughts in their own minds are tormenting them, not any real person. It is my hope that those individuals will be inspired by this page to become successful in their own minds and not be concerned so much about what society thinks about what is successful. These words in this page are only my humble thoughts from God clouded by my own personal life experiences. When I get to God’s heaven the cloud will be lifted, and my thoughts will become crystal clear. I cannot wait. I cannot wait.


  1. This wonderful information for the whole world. Send us some more.


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