Message from the Great I am, God the only creator. The only way to internal life.
Message from the Creator
To All of
To my beloved creations, the animals, the flowers, the
humans, and all that dwell in this vast universe,
In the beginning, I set forth the stars, the planets, the
oceans, and life itself. I am the great unseen, yet I reveal Myself in the
intricate beauty of nature, the grace of the animals, and the profound
capabilities of humanity. Every creature, every bloom, every human life is a
testament to My presence and My love.
Over two millennia ago, I chose to walk
among you in human form. I came to Earth as My only Son, Jesus Christ. In Him, I
manifested My love, compassion, and teachings. Through His words and deeds, my
will and intentions were made known. He healed the sick, comforted the weary,
and spoke of a kingdom not of this world.
Christ endured immense suffering, was crucified, and died. This
sacrifice was made to atone for the sins of the world. But death was not the
end. On the third day, He rose to eternal life, conquering sin and death so
that all might have the hope of salvation and eternal life. His resurrection is
a promise and a testament to My boundless love and mercy.
In the beauty of a flower, the innocence of a child, the
majesty of a soaring eagle, and the vastness of the night sky, I am there. I am
with you always, guiding you and loving you. Seek Me in the kindness you show
one another, in the peace that fills your hearts, and in the hope that lights
your path.
As my beloved creations, you must believe in this promise and repent your sins. Turn away from your sins and follow my path to eternal life. You will not be left alone, you will be given a comforter, the Holy Spirit to guide you on the righteous path.
Remember, you are never alone. My love for you is
everlasting and My presence is ever near.
With eternal love,
The Creator
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