What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus? Shared Video From: https://www.youtube.com/@SouthernSeminary


Hello Readers

The attached video is from Dr. Theodore Cabel. Serves as professor of philosophy, and religion in The School of Theology. His research interests focus on philosophy of religion, faith, science, and apologetics. Apologetics defined as the defense of the Christian faith. Reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.

This video contains historical proof or evidence that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Jesus Christ was the son of God. Sent by a righteous God to redeem a sinful world. The only acceptable price was the death of Jesus Christ. Who rose from the dead after three days. His death redeemed us and gave all creation an unmerited gift of eternal life in God's kingdom. All that is necessary from us is to believe.

Please take a small amount of time out of your busy day to view the video. It will give you blessings from God.


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